Sunday, August 26, 2012


Hi!!!Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Suprisingly I was more busy during the summer than in school! Anyway About a minute ago ago I was logged out because I had been watching on a glitch video on another page for about 20 seconds. I thought "What the Carrots?" So I clicked "Play" but it said "We apologize for the inconvinence, but we are currently offline." What the carrots? Anyway I was looking at the epic dens list, and I went to the bottom den. It was a burrow den! But it was suprisingly small. The glitch video also showed that if you walk right to the hole and go through, you'll be in the actuall burrow!!! Ta-da! Keep on jamming "The way that you do"!!!

                                                                        now poppy _ _

would like to add on to this post i am very sorry that ajmpwarriors has not been as updated as we could have been but poppy and mimi are normal peaople like everone else lots has happend since we have stoped posting so i am updating everything i will not post about everything we have missed posting about instead i will post about the most recaent new things on animal jam
sighen a slightly guilty,

HI THis is todays update you have probaly already heard of the new update well bye

Friday, August 3, 2012

New new new NEW!!!!

thats sure some new stuff
the new wavy bookshelf a nice item to complete your nonember den look (nonmembers' den look that is)
 falling phantoms is now in sol arcade
look jammers are efforts are working two statues named
 the zios statue a must have for fans of the shamans mira and ancient jamaa history
the pets only party  it's pretty cool
the costume corner is super cool this month
and the new calender is here
i(being poppy1234566) entered the den contest i entered a carnival den like it
