Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Leap year!

Heya dudes! As you know, tomorrow will be a leap year! In case you don't know what that means, every 4  years they add a day to February. Anway, on Animal Jam, they have a new Leap year Party! If you are so smart, or you were on Animal Jam today, probaly know that the theme is FROGS. Plus, they have a sort of lame sale going on. It's basically items that are sort of rares that just look different. AND (!!!!!!!!!), AJ is planning a HUGE suprise tomorrow, especialy for Leap year. Gotta go!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Heya aliens and avatars! Sorry I didn't mention it before, but hopefuly it's not to late. PENGUINS ARE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! There sooooooo cute!!! Here's a pic:
Aren't they cute!!!!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New glitches

It's glitch time! So, here's a few glitches for the parties: At the Friendship Party, enter the castle den: go to the stairs: click on the roses then the wall on the staircase: keep doing this until you're walking in the sky!
At the Trading Party, get on the drawbridge: click on the tiger statue: do it again and again until you can walk on the frozen water!

Monday, February 13, 2012

New stuff...

Hey people!!!Here's some NEW stuff!!! First, theres and glitch I just learned. So this is what you need:
  1. A bunny
  2. A pink heart necklace
  3. Pink spiked hair ( well this is optional, but the person who was doing the glitch was wearing it so...)
  4. Black on you all over
So, your bunny starts playing, your pink heart necklace looks like a cute little tongue!!! Here's a pic:
See!!! So try it soon!!! Oh, and I forgot to mention it when it came out!!! The Sol Arcade!!! Inside they have all these games!!! And, they sell the games for 100 gems less!!! There's now Pill Bugs and Fruit Slinger!
And an all new game:
PHANTOM INVASION !!!!!! Here's some pics:

Cool right!!! And there's new items that'll only be around for Monday. Jam Mart Clothing

Jam Mart Furniture
Also there's some new stuff in Bahari Bargains, but I don't have any pics today. Bye!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Monthly gift

Hey!!! I took a pic of the February monthly gift:

Friday, February 10, 2012

The wolf and bunny war

You guessed right jammers!!! There's a wolf and bunny war! Wolfrock12 is leading wolfs and (I think here username is) technicalcity is leading bunnys. But there's something horrible going on. Wolrock12 and Technicalcity are both stuck in Wolfrock12's den. But there's something wrong with their computers; They CANNOT stop reporting each other!!! They can't even logout!!! So I, mimi6610, am in charge of the wolf side, and poppy1234566 is in charge of the bunny side. We are trying to put a stop to the war. But understand one thing: DO NOT TELL ANIMAL JAM HQ!!! Animal Jam HQ will ban Technicalcity and Wolfrock12 from their accounts forever. If you agree or dissagree, please comment.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Temple of Zios glitches

Hey jammas!!!!!! So, I have two new animal jam glitches!!! Number 1: in the Brady Barr's Lab at the Chemistry Set, if you click red blue green red blue green red blue green and then flame flame flame and you get: a rainbow potion!!!! Sorry I don't have any pictures of it but it seems noone put anything on it for google images. Number 2 :if you want to know how animals have gotten on the roof of Brady Barr's Lab, heres how: click on the window, then the door, the window, the door, the window, the door, and on and on until you're running up the side of the building!!! You can go from the tree to the elephant at the top of the Temple of Trivia game place. Untill next time!!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

How to walk on air in the tree house den

Ok jammers here's how you walk on air! Go to your tree house den: go to the first floor:the tree house den has 3 floors:middle and top: change you're animal: click the stairs while you're animal is still changing. It used to work. bye!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Monthly Gift!!!


Hey jammers!!! Welcome to February!!! If you haven't been on today here's the new monthly gift. It's a... Giant lion plushie!!! It's kinda lame, but that's that. Sorry I don't have a picture, but they only got out today. Anyway, since I don't have a picture, I'll put down the last two ones:
December                                                     January
 Later jammers!!!!
