Friday, December 14, 2012

Happy Jamaalidays!!!

Sorry I haven't posted for a while. As most of you know, know all jammers can now move by using the arrow buttons:

There is a bunch of Jamaaliday stuff on sale too. Well, that's all I got.


Sunday, August 26, 2012


Hi!!!Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Suprisingly I was more busy during the summer than in school! Anyway About a minute ago ago I was logged out because I had been watching on a glitch video on another page for about 20 seconds. I thought "What the Carrots?" So I clicked "Play" but it said "We apologize for the inconvinence, but we are currently offline." What the carrots? Anyway I was looking at the epic dens list, and I went to the bottom den. It was a burrow den! But it was suprisingly small. The glitch video also showed that if you walk right to the hole and go through, you'll be in the actuall burrow!!! Ta-da! Keep on jamming "The way that you do"!!!

                                                                        now poppy _ _

would like to add on to this post i am very sorry that ajmpwarriors has not been as updated as we could have been but poppy and mimi are normal peaople like everone else lots has happend since we have stoped posting so i am updating everything i will not post about everything we have missed posting about instead i will post about the most recaent new things on animal jam
sighen a slightly guilty,

HI THis is todays update you have probaly already heard of the new update well bye

Friday, August 3, 2012

New new new NEW!!!!

thats sure some new stuff
the new wavy bookshelf a nice item to complete your nonember den look (nonmembers' den look that is)
 falling phantoms is now in sol arcade
look jammers are efforts are working two statues named
 the zios statue a must have for fans of the shamans mira and ancient jamaa history
the pets only party  it's pretty cool
the costume corner is super cool this month
and the new calender is here
i(being poppy1234566) entered the den contest i entered a carnival den like it

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

New item at the Summer Carnival

new item at the summer carnival i(poppy1234566) have always been terrified by raccoons
 but i think raccoon stuff is adorable  cute right

Friday, July 20, 2012

Can I say it all?

                            the picture says it all foxes are here sad to say members only

And so it was that the Sky Father was named Zios. He created many stars and planets, and set them in motion. But after eons of creation, he became lonely. So he created the Sky Mother, a grey heron, and named her Mira. 

Mira was beautiful and kind and they were very happy together. She loved Zios deeply and often told him how talented he was, encouraging him to create. Together, Zios and Mira created their masterpiece: a lush land filled with oceans, mountains, meadows, and all kinds of plants and animals. They named this special world Jamaa, and for hundreds of years, the world and its animals were at peace. 

But today, all is not well in Jamaa. A mysterious dark force has crept into the land, stealing away animals and ruining the beauty of Jamaa. Only you can help save the animals and restore the world to its glory. Please help, for you are Jamaa's only hope.

How Phantoms Came to Jamaa
Mira, the Sky Mother, was heartbroken after she lost her companion spirit, Zios, the Sky Father. Her feelings of sadness and anger fell to the ground as whisps of black fog, a dark substance that comes from the fabric of time.  These 'tears' of Mira's spirit mixed with the elements of Jamaa and formed the dark mysterious phantoms that haunt this land today. Because of  the sadness and anger that they were created from, the phantoms' only goal is to bring chaos and destruction to Jamaa.

Mira is a very interesting character in my opinion when I was a new jammer I didn’t pay much mind of her but when I started reading the animal jam spirit blog snowyc law (the blog author) had some posts about early jamaa and after reading them I found out more about the shamans and Mira popped up her and there and I became interested in her something about her inspired me so I started looking for more posts about Mira and soon I found that on animal jam you were supposed to be able to, to uncover the story of the animals of Jamaa who themselves are on a quest to discover the origin of the Spirit Stones, artifacts of a past age that give each animal species its unique characteristics. The Phantoms of Jamaa have stolen many of the Spirit Stones, and as a result, the animals’ numbers have dwindled. The animals are helped in their quest to recover the stones by the Shaman Ring of elder animals, who act as player guides. On their journey, players learn the importance of respect for nature and for each other, common themes in National Geographic Animal Jam’s ongoing story.
  animal jam was supposed to be like that but something made animal jam HQ change their minds about their  plan for the website see those pictures when animal jam was created those things were grey and not yet there for a long time they were like that then the grey book disappeared and soon the grey trophy became the achievements and the book is now the journey book I strongly believe that the book had something to do with the spirit stones the stories about Mira above are real stories from a website animal jam HQ made about animal jam but they deleted the website and all of the shamans and Mira stories with it many jammers want animal jam to bring back the legends it seems as if animal jam HQ  gave up on the legends they have been erasing most evidence of  the legends . 

 the point of my theory is we have to keep the legends going   we have to let animal jam HQ know that it's still important

                                the boxes all over jamaa submit your ideas help us bring back the legends      

Saturday, July 14, 2012


                                             new item at the summer carnival

i poppy stink at earning tickets mimi's good at it the animal jam spirit blog for the jammers has some ticket earning tips

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Epic Vanity

                                      new item at epic wonders

Monday, July 9, 2012

Berets and Other Stuff

                                                    HAVE YOU NOTICED THIS NEW ITEM
                                        SOME STUFF WE FORGOT TO MENTION

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Foxes are coming to Jamaa!!!

Foxes are coming to Jamaa!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!

                                     bahari bay starfish glasses

Name those statues!!!!!!!!

I was thinking, AJHQ should REALLY name all of the statues and create stories for them, but now, snowyclaw has suggested a strike-like action:
We go to every thought box in Jamaa, every single one, and type the following.

Can you do that? I f you can,please do that, and tell your friends.
Happy jamming,

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


                                               brand new den

                                                         can't wait for the foxes

                                            brand new party

                                          todays new items

                                                 falling phantoms

                                               new buttons on map
                                           animal jam hq is deciding which pet
                                       and more new items

Monday, July 2, 2012


                                                   WA LA THE JULY MONTHY MEMBER GIFT

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summer Carnival

The new Summer Carnival is out! I can't really describe it, but the only games are Phantom Ball, Candy Catch, and Whack-A-Phantom. You can get cotton candy, and that's all. But a NEW update has come to Jamaa! All the items are 3D! Happy jamming!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New Item

Hi jammers! New item! Wooden Lawn Chair! Bye

hi due to busy schediule without further ado to learn about todays exciting new things please visit

Monday, June 4, 2012


Hi everyone! We are going to have a contest: a membership story contest! If you're a member on animal jam, we want you to tell us your story about membership. Tell us how you got it, how you felt when you got it, and after you got it. Tell us your membership experience and the nonmembers out there we want you to tell us your hopes for being a member, and why you want to be a member. There will be one nonmember story contest winner and two membership contest winners. Please tell your friends about the contest. To learn how to enter, go under the membership story contest tab and learn how. And the new Monday is a Rare Star Cape.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

New Plushie

Hey jammers!!!Giant Giraffe Plushies are out!!! That's all for now!!! See ya!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

My NEW Website!!!

Hey jammers!!! I just wanted to tell you that I have a new website!!! Actually, I had it before I switched to blogger. But I want you to come anyway!!! I've been spending a few weeks working it up to the upgrades in Jamaa!!! Anyway, it's called Animal Jam!!! But that's not how you search it!!! You actually type in You should check it out!!! By the way, sorry about the delay of having a picture show. But I can tell you, it's coming soon. I just got to get stocked up on pictures. In case you don't know what a picture show is, check out my post "Picture Show"!!! It should really help you!!! Happy jamming!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Welcome to June!!!

Hi jammers!!! New Monthly gift is much better than lately: a party hat, phantom invasion, bubbletron. It's a glove! Not the  regular one, it can either be Lengendary, Dragon, or Lava!!! Also, there's a new item in Epic Wonders!!! They're Nunchunks!!! Happy jamming!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bunny Throne

New item at the Bunny Party!!! Bunny Throne!!! So cute!!!

New Giraffe and Help

Hi jammers! Today's new item is the Giraffe Topaire(I might not have spelled that right.) Nothing else, exept AJ put a Help button on the page. See you in Jamaa! ^-^mimi^-^

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bunny Rug

New item!!!! Bunny Rug!!! I think it's at the Bunny-Only Party!!! See ya l8r!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Hi jammers!!! New party!!! Bunny-only Party!!! And, Coral Canyon has a Journey Book!!! The prize is a Cactus Chair!!! Epic Wonders has a new item: Diamond Earrings!!! And new Giraffe Statue and Banner!!! AND  Royal Capes are back in Jamaa!!! And their rares!!! Also, all the dens are half prize!!! Have fun!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New stuff at Jamaa Lines!!!

3 new items!!! An inner tube, a lounge chair, and a life preserver!!!! Happy jamming!!!!

Good and bad news

Guess what!!! The giraffes are predicted to come tomorrow!!!!!! And two new items: An adorable mouse plushie, and a flat heated rock. And, alert!!!!! DON'T DO THE PARANORMAL GLITCH UNTIL AJ CLEARS UP! Please!!!! If you do that glitch, AJ might shut down!!!!! I promise I'll show you how to do the glitch when everything is blown over.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New exiting stuff!!!

Hey jammers!!! New item!!!! Underwater Police Hat!!! Also look what mesage we got:
(Sorry it's blurry) That might mean a new shamon!!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Slithery Snake

Hey jammers! Theres a new snake skin and snake habitat! Hope your snake likes it!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Sorry jammers! Animal jam shut down- apparently a pack of phantoms was found. So cross your fingers! That means that a glitch is getting repaired! I hope it isn't a cool glitch!

ok this is definatly not a glitch but i am pretty sure it's all better now


Monday, May 14, 2012

Music and more

Hey jammers!! Todays "rare" item is a Rare Mech Angel Helmet! And sorry, I haven't checkeD the music store for a while, but now you can put Bahari Bay and Kani Cove music in your den!!! ( PS this is not new.) And in the Bahari Bay shop, you can wear a Sherrif's Badge!! PS Harry Potter Fans, Pottermore is now out!! In case you dont know what that is, or you want to check it out click here. Bye!!!!

ok something is up with animal jam a couple days ago animal jam crashed for a whole day in other words it was offline you couldn't go on it and today the same thing happend aomething is going wrong but we must keep our hopes up animal jam will soon be back to normal 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cruise Ship Party!!!!

The cruise ship party is awesome it has plank, slide, pool, smoothie for sale, deck chair, boat in a bottle, and sunset beach towel!!!! Dolphins in the water!!! Ohh yeah...
well there is a horse race and a underwater den item contest i hope something good wins did you know on your item list for clothes it says if something is rare or not cool right
this pic is so cute

Unexpected glitch!!!

As i was checking out the Spooky Party, I clicked something and it asked me if I wanted to get a pet bat!!!!! I clicked no, but maybe if you figure out how to get it up, you can get a bat even though its not even close to October!!!

New stuff for AJ

Hey guys!! Lets go take a vacation with the new CRUISE SHIP PARTY!!!! In the Pet Shop, we have a snake rug!! And in the spooky party, we have the scary unicorn horn, and the skeleton throne. Now some things are consindered "rare". For example, the wings and the Monday heart necklace and spiked wig! I dont know about the other partys, but im guessing there are some new items there too! Ill post some more today to tell you! Happy jamming!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


heya jammers!! duck prints are now available at the pet shop, and there's an update coming stick around!! me  might even get our first shaman!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


hi!!!! the monday item is rare heart necklace, and at the pet shop there's a duck pond!!!! im sick, so i hope poppy tells u all there is to know!!!! bye!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


hi i want everyone to comment on what they want the ajmpwarrior backround to be here are your choices

each one is a diffrent thme one manga one warriors and one aj comment and tell us what you think


Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Hey guys! I'm posting from my kindle:p theres not much new, but there IS abone fence at the Spooky Party!•-• All for now!!!!!!!!!! *-*

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New Stuff

Hi jammas!! Theres a compass in Sunken treasure, a necklace, a balloon, a skull helmet, a tiki mask, a jester hat, the den music "Spooky Old Bones", a floating candle, a skull tombstone, a scary organ, and a window in the Spooky Party. The mysterious bat is somewhere in there... can you find it? Also, there's a duck pillow and a weird duck nest thing with leaves x-x. And, welcome to March!!! The new monthly member gift is.....
                                                    Phantom Invasion!!!
For your own den! See ya!!! ^-^


Monday, April 30, 2012

rare monday iteam

the rare monday iteam is purple pigtails it's on the 6th page of clothing it's member and wacky

well thats all for today



animal jam sign in tab

hey didja know near the top where it says animal jam sign in that thats actually a link to the animal jam home page well now ya know

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Little late

Sorry jammers! Poppy was supposed to post 2 days ago but... Anyway, monkeys are officially endangered, trains are now being sold onland, and hanging anchors are now available for underwater dens.You can now wear cool flippers in Crystal Reef, Bahari Bay, Deep Blue, (and, or) Kani Cave! And, a dresser (-_-) won the item contest. Thanks to "Miss Cleverpaw"?


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My bff Poppy speaks


Hi, poppy speaking! I'm mimi's bff and I am so excited about the new book series Survivers! My favorite character in warriors is Jayfeather. I don't have a blogger acount but I want one. I'm trying to convince mimi to tell me her password so we can share this blog, but oh well! My second favorite character is Hollyleaf. P.S. The girl up there is me!

                                                               Peace! x-x

